Monday, 24 June 2013

Dambusters2013 at the RAF Lossiemouth Annual Reception and Friends and Families Day, 21st and 22nd June 2013.

This last weekend past I had the privilege to be invited to RAF Lossiemouth as guest of Station Commander Gp Capt Ian Gale and his wife Sally to be a part of the 2013 Annual Reception Ceremony and the Friends and Families day which was held the day afterwards on Saturday 22nd June 2013.
Ian and Sally are two of the nicest people that you could meet and it was wonderful to finally meet them both in person after talking on twitter with both for nearly 12 months now! RAF Lossiemouth and the people who serve there are lucky to have a commander who is both disarming and good company on the one hand but very clearly in command with a clear vision of the future at the same time.
The Annual Reception was held at the RAF Lossie' Officers Mess on the Friday Evening with drinks from 18.45hrs. My wife Jo and I were hosted by the team from 617 Sqdn, the Dambusters, and I will post my thanks here to Sqdn Ldr Mark 'Jacko' Jackson and squadron 'boss' Wg Cdr Dave Arthurton for their time and conversation. The ceremony finished after a short and interesting speech by Ian with the Royal Air Force ensign being lowered to the haunting sound of a lone Scottish piper closely followed by the thunderous and very sudden roar of a XV Sqdn Tornado GR4 on full afterburner as it came from behind the mess and went vertical into the gathering clouds! The noise was enormous and coming from behind without warning made all who were not expecting jump to say the least. Brilliant. Wonderfully done as only the British military know how.
What was also wonderful was Wg Cdr Dave Arthurton who unlike me was not trying to recover his composure after the sudden and awe inspiring appearance of the Tornado  - but instead simply observed "20ft to the left of centre"!! Perfect!
The Friends and Families Day started on the Saturday at midday. The weather which had threatened heavy rain for days was largely kind and held off until just after the curtailed flying display (the wind had forced the Spitfire and Sea Fury to cry off!). In one of the large hangars there were stalls for each of the Squadrons on the base ( I bought some 'Dambusters Cuff Links') and many other things but one in particular was my target. The RAF Benevolent Fund stand and my chance to meet Karen and Rob Cox who again I had been talking with for months on twitter but never met face to face. Karen & Rob - it was wonderful to finally put this right and meet you face to face.... and for the record, after some discussion with both Karen and Ian Gale I am now a convert to the RAF Benevolent Fund cause!!
As you would expect there was a static display as well as a flying display and the pictures below will hopefully give a flavour of the afternoon.
Above, the RAF's Typhoon and below my wife Jo without whose support dambusters2013 would never have taken place! 
 Dambusters70 Tail Art Tornado GR4 of 617 Sqdn ....
 OC XV Sqdn in the stocks!
 Sea King SAR in the flying display .... brilliant.
 Probably the last time I will see the iconic VC10 as she comes to the end of a long a distinguished career - to me one of the most beautiful large jets ever made.
 ... and from the flying display a diamond made up of two Tornados from each of 617 and XV sqdns including Flt Lt Oli Payne of 617 Sqdn who kindly collected us from the main gate and escorted us to our room in the Officers Mess when we arrived on Friday lunchtime.
 The afternoon was completed with a guided tour of the 617 Sqdn facilities on the far side of the airbase by 'Jacko' and his Sqdn colleague Flg Off Richard Hartley, the junior WSO on the team. Thanks very much to you both!

What a completely top weekend!


  1. Fantastic photos and a lovely blog. It was lovely to meet you too and I am thrilled you are a RAFBF convert and look forward to supporting you in anyway we can up here. Can I please have the photo of Lenny in the stocks, that's too good not to put on Facebook! Regard to Jo and hopefully we will meet again in the not too distant future. Karen x

  2. Well Said Karen..
    Simon this is a fantastic blog with great photo's and wonderful memories.. It has been an honour to know yourself and David over the past few months. Looking forward to you both coming back to RAF Scampton again. Love Maureen x
