Dambusters2013 is a
charity motorcycle ride to commemorate the famous Dambusters Raid on 16th/17th
May 1943 when 617 Sqdn breached the Ruhr Dams using the bouncing bomb designed
by Barnes Wallis. Combining the success of the ‘Dambusters2012’
charity ride and the hugely supported ‘Easter Egg’ motorcycle charity runs from
across the UK to deliver a unique and exciting motorcycling event for all
involved which will see Significant numbers of bikers all riding to the
Mohne Dam in time to lay wreathes on the waters of the Mohnesee at 00.19hrs, the
time the dam was breached in 1943. Invitations will be extended to German bikers
too - this is a commemoration of the loss of life and destruction for all
We are a formally approved and 'featured' event for our primary
charity ‘Help for Heroes’ who provide practical direct support for our current
wounded. 80% of money raised will go to help for
Heroes. Secondary charity supported is Motorcycle
Outreach. 20% of money raised will go to MoR.
Dambusters2013 is immensely proud to have the support of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, RAF Lossiemouth and RAF Scampton, current and historic home of the Dambusters as well as 617 sqdn themselves - the real Dambusters!
starting event will be at RAF Scampton, home of 617 Squadron, the Dambusters, on the
May 2013 when Dambusters2013 riders will be able to visit the original and now
beautifully restored Hanger 2, Home of the Dambusters in May 1943 and actually
sit at Wg Cdr Guy Gibson's desk in his restored office..... there will be more
too!! Our thanks to RAF Scampton who are being just
Participating riders will then make their own
way across the North Sea to arrive at the Mohne dam itself (there are three
current ferry routes departing from Newcastle, Hull and Harwich). Discounted
ferry costs will be available for all ‘Dambusters2013 accredited’ riders -
discounts to be advised shortly.
To be an 'Acredited Dambusters2013
Rider' all you need to do is raise at least £250 for the Dambusters2013
charities Help for Heroes and Motorcycle Outreach and donate on-line via a
dedicated ‘Virgin Money Giving’ website – safe, secure and with Gift Aid option.
The Virgin Money Giving site will be up and running to accept donations
from Mid-February 2013.All
riders will be given details of two planned and plotted ride routes to match to
the first and second wave tracks of the original Dambuster Lancaster bombers in
1943 and also some suggested 'places of interest' to visit on the ride to the
Mohne Dam, such as the crash site where Wg Cdr Guy Gibson lost his life in
September 1944 at Steenbergen flying a Mosquito as Master

Wreaths in English
and German commemorating the destruction and loss of life from the Dambusters
Raid of 1943 will be laid onto the waters of the Mohnesee to complete the ride
and charity event for 2013.
Ride on to wherever takes your fancy! Straight
home, down to the south of France .........
Interested in being a part of
Dambusters2013? Click on the 'Register' tab and let us know!!